HGRUBt @)3NO NAME FAT12 +€uY|1؎м @| until you reach "HELP END" pause . pause Please see https://doc.mageia.org/ for a friendlier solution pause . pause To specify the location where Mageia is copied, pause choose "Mageia Install", and press "e". pause Then change "root (hd0,0)". FYI: pause - (hd0,0) is the first partition on first bios hard drive (usually hda1) pause - (hd0,4) is the first extended partition (usually hda5) pause - (hd1,0) is the first partition on second bios hard drive pause Replace /8 to suit the directory containing Mageia pause . pause HELP END HGRUB€uY|1؎м @|ff19EE)EfDf\DpPf1DfD BpVff1f4T f1ftT D ;D}t*D 9EE)EfT L ъl ZRt Pp1۴rFÎEXE`11^a}<.IZ=5!/Loading stage2. 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VBE version %d.%d is not supported. VBE version %d.%d 0x%x: %s, %ux%ux%u Mode 0x%x is not found or supported. ,%d,%c) %s Mode 0x%x is not supported. Switching to Mode 0x%x failed. (fd%d) (hd%d,%d) (hd%d,%d,%c) Differ in size: 0x%x [%s], 0x%x [%s] Differ at the offset %d: 0x%x [%s], 0x%x [%s] off Internal pager is now %s (no echo) (no edit) (dumb)--dumb--no-echo--no-edit--timeout=--lines=--silent%s%s%s%s Press any key to continue. AERMH %d sectors are embedded. (%cd%d Running "embed %s"... %s%ssucceeded failed (this is not fatal) --force-lbaWarning: the option `d' was not used, but the Stage 1 will be installed on a different drive than the drive where the Stage 2 resides. --unit=--speed=--port=--word=--stop=--parity=nooddeven (nd): (hd%d (fd%d):$1$./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzEncrypted: %s --type=netbsdfreebsdopenbsdbiglinuxmultiboot--no-mem-option No MPS information found or probe failed --all%s: %s blink---no-apm Filesystem tracing is now off Filesystem tracing is now on APM BIOS information: Version: 0x%x 32-bit CS: 0x%x Offset: 0x%x 16-bit CS: 0x%x 16-bit DS: 0x%x 32-bit CS length: 0x%x 16-bit CS length: 0x%x 16-bit DS length: 0x%x No APM BIOS found or probe failed Debug mode is turned off Debug mode is turned on Boot from Whole file: Partial read 1: Partial read 2: Header1 = 0x%x, next = 0x%x, next = 0x%x, next = 0x%x Header2 = 0x%x, next = 0x%x, next = 0x%x, next = 0x%x Max is 0x10ac0: i=0x%x, filepos=0x%x Checking if "%s" exists... yes no /boot/grub--force-lba --prefix=/stage1/stage2/menu.lst%s%s%s%s %s%s %s p %s %s Running "install %s"... succeeded Done. --name=--cursor-address=--clear-screen=--enter-standout-mode=--exit-standout-mode=name=%s cursor_address=%s clear_screen=%s enter_standout_mode=%s exit_standout_mode=%s saved 0x%x--forceMSWINLBACHSdrive 0x%x: C/H/S = %d/%d/%d, The number of sectors = %d, %s Usable RAMReserved EISA Memory BIOS Interface is present Address Map BIOS Interface is present Lower memory: %uK, Upper memory (to first chipset hole): %uK [Address Range Descriptor entries immediately follow (values are 64-bit)] %s: Base Address: 0x%x X 4GB + 0x%x, Length: 0x%x X 4GB + 0x%x bytes --md5--TextCGA graphicsHercules graphicsPlanarPacked pixelNon-chain 4, 256 colorDirect ColorYUVblackbrownlight-graydark-graylight-bluelight-greenlight-cyanlight-redlight-magentayellowwhiteuuiduuid UUIDSet the current "root device" to the device with the uuid UUID, then attempt to mount itvbeprobevbeprobe [MODE]Probe VBE information. If the mode number MODE is specified, show only the information about only the mode.uppermemuppermem KBYTESForce GRUB to assume that only KBYTES kilobytes of upper memory are installed. Any system address range maps are discarded.unhideunhide PARTITIONUnhide PARTITION by clearing the "hidden" bit in its partition type code.titletimeouttestvbetestvbe MODETest the VBE mode MODE. Hit any key to return.testloadtestload FILERead the entire contents of FILE in several different ways and compares them, to test the filesystem code. The output is somewhat cryptic, but if no errors are reported and the final `i=X, filepos=Y' reading has X and Y equal, then it is definitely consistent, and very likely works correctly subject to a consistent offset error. If this test succeeds, then a good next step is to try loading a kernel.terminfoterminfo [--name=NAME --cursor-address=SEQ [--clear-screen=SEQ] [--enter-standout-mode=SEQ] [--exit-standout-mode=SEQ]]Define the capabilities of your terminal. Use this command to define escape sequences, if it is not vt100-compatible. You may use \e for ESC and ^X for a control character. If no option is specified, the current settings are printed.terminalterminal [--dumb] [--no-echo] [--no-edit] [--timeout=SECS] [--lines=LINES] [--silent] [console] [serial] [hercules]Select a terminal. When multiple terminals are specified, wait until you push any key to continue. If both console and serial are specified, the terminal to which you input a key first will be selected. If no argument is specified, print current setting. The option --dumb specifies that your terminal is dumb, otherwise, vt100-compatibility is assumed. If you specify --no-echo, input characters won't be echoed. If you specify --no-edit, the BASH-like editing feature will be disabled. If --timeout is present, this command will wait at most for SECS seconds. The option --lines specifies the maximum number of lines. The option --silent is used to suppress messages.setupsetup [--prefix=DIR] [--stage2=STAGE2_FILE] [--force-lba] INSTALL_DEVICE [IMAGE_DEVICE]Set up the installation of GRUB automatically. This command uses the more flexible command "install" in the backend and installs GRUB into the device INSTALL_DEVICE. If IMAGE_DEVICE is specified, then find the GRUB images in the device IMAGE_DEVICE, otherwise use the current "root device", which can be set by the command "root". If you know that your BIOS should support LBA but GRUB doesn't work in LBA mode, specify the option `--force-lba'. If you install GRUB under the grub shell and you cannot unmount the partition where GRUB images reside, specify the option `--stage2' to tell GRUB the file name under your OS.setkeysetkey [TO_KEY FROM_KEY]Change the keyboard map. The key FROM_KEY is mapped to the key TO_KEY. A key must be an alphabet, a digit, or one of these: escape, exclam, at, numbersign, dollar, percent, caret, ampersand, asterisk, parenleft, parenright, minus, underscore, equal, plus, backspace, tab, bracketleft, braceleft, bracketright, braceright, enter, control, semicolon, colon, quote, doublequote, backquote, tilde, shift, backslash, bar, comma, less, period, greater, slash, question, alt, space, capslock, FX (X is a digit), and delete. If no argument is specified, reset key mappings.escapeexclamnumbersigndollarpercentcaretampersandasteriskparenleftparenrightminusunderscoreequalbackspacetabqQWTYUiIOPbracketleftbraceleftbracketrightbracerightentercontrolFGjJKLsemicolondoublequotebackquotetildeshiftbackslashbarZvcommalessperiodgreaterquestioncapslockF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10deleteserialserial [--unit=UNIT] [--port=PORT] [--speed=SPEED] [--word=WORD] [--parity=PARITY] [--stop=STOP] [--device=DEV]Initialize a serial device. UNIT is a digit that specifies which serial device is used (e.g. 0 == COM1). If you need to specify the port number, set it by --port. SPEED is the DTE-DTE speed. WORD is the word length, PARITY is the type of parity, which is one of `no', `odd' and `even'. STOP is the length of stop bit(s). The option --device can be used only in the grub shell, which specifies the file name of a tty device. The default values are COM1, 9600, 8N1.savedefaultSave the current entry as the default boot entry.rootnoverifyrootnoverify [DEVICE [HDBIAS]]Similar to `root', but don't attempt to mount the partition. This is useful for when an OS is outside of the area of the disk that GRUB can read, but setting the correct root device is still desired. Note that the items mentioned in `root' which derived from attempting the mount will NOT work correctly.rootroot [DEVICE [HDBIAS]]Set the current "root device" to the device DEVICE, then attempt to mount it to get the partition size (for passing the partition descriptor in `ES:ESI', used by some chain-loaded bootloaders), the BSD drive-type (for booting BSD kernels using their native boot format), and correctly determine the PC partition where a BSD sub-partition is located. The optional HDBIAS parameter is a number to tell a BSD kernel how many BIOS drive numbers are on controllers before the current one. For example, if there is an IDE disk and a SCSI disk, and your FreeBSD root partition is on the SCSI disk, then use a `1' for HDBIAS.rebootReboot your system.readread ADDRRead a 32-bit value from memory at address ADDR and display it in hex format.pausepause [MESSAGE ...]Print MESSAGE, then wait until a key is pressed.passwordpassword [--md5] PASSWD [FILE]If used in the first section of a menu file, disable all interactive editing control (menu entry editor and command line). If the password PASSWD is entered, it loads the FILE as a new config file and restarts the GRUB Stage 2. If you omit the argument FILE, then GRUB just unlocks privileged instructions. You can also use it in the script section, in which case it will ask for the password, before continueing. The option --md5 tells GRUB that PASSWD is encrypted with md5crypt.parttypeparttype PART TYPEChange the type of the partition PART to TYPE.partnewpartnew PART TYPE START LENCreate a primary partition at the starting address START with the length LEN, with the type TYPE. START and LEN are in sector units.pagerpager [FLAG]Toggle pager mode with no argument. If FLAG is given and its value is `on', turn on the mode. If FLAG is `off', turn off the mode.modulenounzipmodulenounzip FILE [ARG ...]The same as `module', except that automatic decompression is disabled.modulemodule FILE [ARG ...]Load a boot module FILE for a Multiboot format boot image (no interpretation of the file contents is made, so users of this command must know what the kernel in question expects). The rest of the line is passed as the "module command line", like the `kernel' command.md5cryptGenerate a password in MD5 format.mapmap TO_DRIVE FROM_DRIVEMap the drive FROM_DRIVE to the drive TO_DRIVE. This is necessary when you chain-load some operating systems, such as DOS, if such an OS resides at a non-first drive.makeactiveSet the active partition on the root disk to GRUB's root device. This command is limited to _primary_ PC partitions on a hard disk.Break a command execution unless the user is authenticated.kernelkernel [--no-mem-option] [--type=TYPE] FILE [ARG ...]Attempt to load the primary boot image from FILE. The rest of the line is passed verbatim as the "kernel command line". Any modules must be reloaded after using this command. The option --type is used to suggest what type of kernel to be loaded. TYPE must be either of "netbsd", "freebsd", "openbsd", "linux", "biglinux" and "multiboot". The option --no-mem-option tells GRUB not to pass a Linux's mem option automatically.ioprobeioprobe DRIVEProbe I/O ports used for the drive DRIVE.installinstall [--stage2=STAGE2_FILE] [--force-lba] STAGE1 [d] DEVICE STAGE2 [ADDR] [p] [CONFIG_FILE] [REAL_CONFIG_FILE]Install STAGE1 on DEVICE, and install a blocklist for loading STAGE2 as a Stage 2. If the option `d' is present, the Stage 1 will always look for the disk where STAGE2 was installed, rather than using the booting drive. The Stage 2 will be loaded at address ADDR, which will be determined automatically if you don't specify it. If the option `p' or CONFIG_FILE is present, then the first block of Stage 2 is patched with new values of the partition and name of the configuration file used by the true Stage 2 (for a Stage 1.5, this is the name of the true Stage 2) at boot time. If STAGE2 is a Stage 1.5 and REAL_CONFIG_FILE is present, then the Stage 2 CONFIG_FILE is patched with the configuration filename REAL_CONFIG_FILE. If the option `--force-lba' is specified, disable some sanity checks for LBA mode. If the option `--stage2' is specified, rewrite the Stage 2 via your OS's filesystem instead of the raw device.initrdinitrd FILE [ARG ...]Load an initial ramdisk FILE for a Linux format boot image and set the appropriate parameters in the Linux setup area in memory.impsprobeProbe the Intel Multiprocessor Specification 1.1 or 1.4 configuration table and boot the various CPUs which are found into a tight loop.Hide PARTITION by setting the "hidden" bit in its partition type code.hiddenmenuhelphelp [--all] [PATTERN ...]Display helpful information about builtin commands. Not all commands aren't shown without the option `--all'.halthalt [--no-apm]Halt your system. If APM is avaiable on it, turn off the power using the APM BIOS, unless you specify the option `--no-apm'.geometrygeometry DRIVE [CYLINDER HEAD SECTOR [TOTAL_SECTOR]]Print the information for a drive DRIVE. In the grub shell, you can set the geometry of the drive arbitrarily. The number of the cylinders, the one of the heads, the one of the sectors and the one of the total sectors are set to CYLINDER, HEAD, SECTOR and TOTAL_SECTOR, respectively. If you omit TOTAL_SECTOR, then it will be calculated based on the C/H/S values automatically.gfxmenugfxmenu FILEUse the graphical menu from FILE.fstestToggle filesystem test mode.findfind FILENAMESearch for the filename FILENAME in all of partitions and print the list of the devices which contain the file.fallbackembedembed STAGE1_5 DEVICEEmbed the Stage 1.5 STAGE1_5 in the sectors after MBR if DEVICE is a drive, or in the "bootloader" area if DEVICE is a FFS partition. Print the number of sectors which STAGE1_5 occupies if successful.displaymemDisplay what GRUB thinks the system address space map of the machine is, including all regions of physical RAM installed.displayapmDisplay APM BIOS information.debugTurn on/off the debug mode.configfileconfigfile FILELoad FILE as the configuration file.color NORMAL [HIGHLIGHT]Change the menu colors. The color NORMAL is used for most lines in the menu, and the color HIGHLIGHT is used to highlight the line where the cursor points. If you omit HIGHLIGHT, then the inverted color of NORMAL is used for the highlighted line. The format of a color is "FG/BG". FG and BG are symbolic color names. A symbolic color name must be one of these: black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, light-gray, dark-gray, light-blue, light-green, light-cyan, light-red, light-magenta, yellow and white. But only the first eight names can be used for BG. You can prefix "blink-" to FG if you want a blinking foreground color.cmpcmp FILE1 FILE2Compare the file FILE1 with the FILE2 and inform the different values if any.chainloaderchainloader [--force] FILELoad the chain-loader FILE. If --force is specified, then load it forcibly, whether the boot loader signature is present or not.catcat FILEPrint the contents of the file FILE.Boot the OS/chain-loader which has been loaded.blocklistblocklist FILEPrint the blocklist notation of the file FILE.('-=FY`qurX]j| 1!)52@3#4$:*5%>*6^7&8* 9( 0) -_ (=+ ! %'qQ)wWeErR6+tT-yY)/uU13iI 5oO7pP9E[{O\]}g m)aAC$sS*dD FufF!1wgG"hH#y{jJ$}kK%lL&;:''"(`~)*\|+yzZ,*xX-cC.vV/# bB0nN1mM2,<3.>4/?5r8 9:;<=>?@ABCD S [Hit return to continue] Error %u: %s GNU GRUB version %s (%dK lower / %dK upper memory) consolehercules%V-8mr ESC at any time exits. [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename.%s ] grub> Press any key to continue...GNU GRUB 0.97Bad file or directory typeUnknown boot failureUnrecognized device stringInvalid device requestedFile not foundSelected disk does not existNo such partitionError while parsing numberDisk read errorToo many symbolic linksUnrecognized commandDisk write errorInvalid argumentFile is not sector alignedMust be authenticatedDevice not initialized yetNo spare sectors on the diskOverflow while parsing numberFilename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklistBad or corrupt data while decompressing fileBad or incompatible header in compressed filePartition table invalid or corruptMismatched or corrupt version of stage1/stage2Loading below 1MB is not supportedKernel must be loaded before bootingUnsupported Multiboot features requestedInvalid or unsupported executable formatFilesystem compatibility error, cannot read whole fileInconsistent filesystem structureCannot mount selected partitionSelected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOSLinux kernel must be loaded before initrdMultiboot kernel must be loaded before modulesAttempt to access block outside partitionSelected item cannot fit into memory<%d, %d, %d> Filesystem type is %s, unknown, using whole disk Partition num: %d, [BSD sub-partitions immediately follow] BSD Partition num: '%c', No BSD sub-partition found, partition type 0x%x %d,%c)%d) Possible commands are: Possible disks are: cd Possible partitions are: Possible files are: CD001Non-supported version (%d) RockRidge chunk `%c%c' ReIsErLBReIsEr3FsReIsEr2FsReIsErFs  %s??     xjVp $ν|*ƇGF0FؘiD[\"kqCy!Ib%@@QZ^&Ƕ]/SD!7Ç ZEogL*B9q"am 8D꾤K`Kp~('09|eVD")*C#9Y[e }]O~o,CN~S5:*ӆ    ABCDFH41~3~5~6~` 0% KIMCR and PICVirtual WireScanning from 0x%x for %d bytes Found MP Floating Structure Pointer at %x Intel MultiProcessor Spec 1.%d BIOS support detected Invalid MP System Configuration type %d Bad MP Config Table sig 0x%x and/or checksum 0x%x Bad MP Config Table sub-revision # %d Bad Extended MP Config Table checksum 0x%x Missing configuration information Disabling MPS support APIC config: "%s mode" Local APIC address: 0x%x OEM id: %s Product id: %s ISA MCA Processor [APIC id %d ver %d]: DISABLED #0 Bootstrap Processor (BSP) Bus id %d is %s I/O APIC id %d ver %d, address: 0x%x Press a key to continue... %d: %s Press `ESC' to enter the menu... %d Use the %c and %c keys to select which entry is highlighted. WARNING: graphical menu doesn't work in conjunction with the password feature Press enter to boot the selected OS or 'p' to enter a password to unlock the next set of features. Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line. Press 'b' to boot, 'e' to edit the selected command in the boot sequence, 'c' for a command-line, 'o' to open a new line after ('O' for before) the selected line, 'd' to remove the selected line, or escape to go back to the main menu. The selected entry is %d Entry %d will be booted automatically in %d seconds. The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in %d seconds. Highlighted entry is %d: Password: Failed! Press any key to continue...grub edit> Booting '%s' Booting command-list low memory 0x%x - 0x%x (%d bytes) %s: file not found %s: read error %s: %d bytes (%d bytes left) init: start 0x%x, len %d; code offset 0x%x not enough free memory: %d extra bytes need init 0x%x, archive 0x%x - 0x%x, low mem 0x%x - 0x%x code seg 0x%x %d: 0x%x "%s" -- "%s" default: "%s" graphics initialization failed %s: invalid file format $6)666666666666666 <&NNNNNNNNNNNN<NNNNNN&NANN<NNNNNNNNN.<N<<NNNN<)NN<<N<N<˭˭˭,L~˭˭ѯ˭˭|˭˭˭˭˭˭˭˭˭˭˭˭˭˭˭,˭˭˭˭˭˭˭C˭˭˭˭˭l˭˭˭˭CCA˭B˭Ұ˭˭Y˭C˭˭u˭˭˭C˭˭\˭vfatluksext2ext3jbdreiser4hfshfsplusntfsocfs1ocfs2ڵ(}(Dq(((=(U(((((%u.%uext4NTFSFAT32 FAT16 MSDOSFAT12 FAT12FAT16NO NAME RRaArrAaFAT32BDH+HXJFS1crypto_LUKSLUKSOracleCFSocfsOCFSV23.53.6JRReIsEr4XFSBddf_raid_member)38=B&W<?****** +0123456789abcdefunusedunprobedotherfilesystemraiddisklabelcrypto; 1e f h y8 y` z | | 7} :} }8 ~h C~ c~ ~ ~ ~ )< ` f > c  $ ƈT  2 ΋ ,:X9Hl=RǢ0PŤzCh BDd7Ǩ- 0WT~(T3tX 4b\71 0PDdd~4ϽT׾ RZ(b<ghHPX0kh 8Lr4\|2( vLxH(X!l^00 P|<CLp5Iy$L|$F \ | $  !6l!!!!u"NH"x"}""" # @#= p# #K##$<$d$$$H$%/$%GD%&l%%<%%' & <&.!l&"&(#&$&Z' '*)P','[-'\.'.'/$( 3T(63t(S3(3(5(6)6$)6P)z8|)B9)9):)<*>L*ZC|*mC*C*C*=D*D*bI,+}JL+M|+O+kT+T,~U,,U@,UT,Ut, V,)V,cV, X -X<- Y`-[-[-\- ]-] . ],.Z]P.|]p.F^.`_.o_._._/`8/edh/$e/Qe/e/f0f$0~gT0 h01h0h0r 1A|,1=}X1]}|12~1R~1t~1~2~02~P2~p22'2K2u223L3`3ц33=33$4T4!4ʊ4E4В5m@5l555|54(6T6o6ǚ6ޛ66ޜ7 87rd77ʦ7է78zR| (\AB FAAA ,H\AB FAAA ,x^AB IAAA $nAL GAA ,loAB BDAAA JpAB F  r ,4rgAB BEYAAA d;r,x*rjAB ACFYAAA ,dr^AB ACFMAAA rA`B U r AB \ rAB Z  8rEAB B \r9AB u ,|r*AB FAAA  sAB G} ,IuAB CAAA $vAB BAA (~w%AB Y ,Hw9AB I)AAA xy AB ,{yAB BCAAA (j{AB AAAA ${AB BAA ,n|AB FAAA  HR}AB B ,l}MAB F@AAA (AB HAA ,ڂAB BGAAA ,jAB AFAAA ,(Ӄ#AB FAAA ,XƉAB FvAAA ,YAB BFJAAA  BWAB GL (uAB HAA JAB  $(AB BAA PUAB I ,pJuAB AGfAAA #AB ] ,AB BFAAA ,=AB AGAAA  ”AB  @F%AB \O%p`-AB i  mAB B AAB } sAB m jAAB } (AB CAAA @3AB o `3AB o AB   ԘKAB AF ,4AG ELAAA *AB & , AB BSAAA  D UAB DM ,h AB BGAAA ( N?AB Ab E S  avAB r $ %AB L E F $ AB BAA 4 -'AB c  T 4jAB Db (x zAB AAAA $ fAB BAA ( AB FAAA  tAB p   AB B < 8NB O \ ̤qAB m  | AB D  +AB g  3, إ AB K E A E F , ȥAB AG AAA 4 (H tAB CjAAA ,t AB BGAAA  AB O , sAB BIAAA  $AB `   0AB AjA $8 IAE DDxAA  ` (2AD AjA  6 *( AB B B D  #AB B] ( AB CAAA (]+NB Y Hh\\,pPAB ADAAA 4|AB AD[ AA E OAA 0AB Bf AA E MAA  I LB N ,I+AB g LT`T&AD `  Z,AB Bf $b2AB HdAA lAD M (_OAB FBAAA (RAB FEAAA (DTAB FGAAA pЫPAB I (NAB FAAAA ("aAB CSAAA 8WAB AG AAA E DAAA $$ЬFAB AD{AA L"AB ^ (lTAB BWtAAA ,AB F{AAA pQ=AB y ʲ(AG _ (ҲlAB F_AAA $HAB BAA ,pAB FAAA xAA AAC\B`yPlXA\A`PPrXC\A`HPKTEXB\E`kPXG\A`SPd AA AAA '7AB s <>AB Y \AL ADiAA h%05AB q %0.AB j ,%0UAB BCIAAA ,%4AD ALAAA $&5-AB ACcAA 0&58,D&5AB BFCAA t&6&AB b ,&6AB ACCAAA ,&"7AB ACF}AAA $&7%AB AFXAA ,'}7AB ACCAAA ,L'7 AB C AAA |'A AB I(' KAG DAAA  'K AB DX ,'KAG BFAAA  (~L AB DX @(zL"AB Z `(|LAB Y (yLAB Y (vLAB Y (sLAB Y (pLAB Y )mL"){L$()L*<)L5AB q ,\)LhAD BFWAAA ,)MAB FAAA )QS)>S+AD e )IS+AD e (*TSAAE FqAAA (<*iSSAB FFAAA (h*SoAB FbAAA ,*SAB FAAA ,*T AB CAAA ,*UAB ACCAAA ,$+V{AB IkAAA ,T+Y[AB F~AAA (+]AB FAAA (+%^AB F}AAA ,+^AB FAAA ( ,`AB FAAA ,8,`AB AJAAA ,h,|aAB FAAA (,cAB FAAA (,ecAG FAAA ,cX,-+dAB F AAA (4-eAD DAAA `-e%AD _ $-e-AB BeAA (-egAB FZAAA -f*AB f ,-f. 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