NAME dkwt env - Modify environment variables SYNOPSIS dkwt env [] [] dkwt environment [] [] DESCRIPTION This function can modify environment variables, both system and user variables. This function is mainly intended for environment variables storing names of directories or files (i.e. the PATH variable). You can make sure a directory is listed in a variable by inserting or appending the directory only if it is not yet present. OPTIONS -s Process system environment variables. Without this option the program processes the user environment. -e When creating a new registry value, use type REG_EXPAND_SZ instead of default REG_SZ. This option is ignored when processing existing registry values. -u Delete registry value completely, unset variable. -i Ensure the variable lists the specified directory or file, insert at start if not present. -a Ensure the variable lists the specified directory or file, append at end if not present. -d Remove a directory or file from a variable listing one or multiple directories or files. If the variable value is empty after removal, the registry value is deleted. RETURN VALUE The program returns exit status code 0 on success, all other status codes indicate an error. EXAMPLES Show value of user environment variable TEMP: dkwt env TEMP Show value of system environment variable PATH: dkwt env -s PATH Completely delete user environment variable FOO: dkwt env -u FOO Completely delete system environment variable BAR: dkwt env -s -u BAR Set user environment variable FOO: dkwt env FOO All text after variable name goes into value Set system environment variable BAR: dkwt env -s BAR Same procedure for system variables Make sure system PATH contains ``C:\Program Files\Nice Program'' (insert at start if not present): dkwt env -s -i Path C:\Program Files\Nice Program Make sure system PATH contains ``C:\Program Files\Other Program'' (append at end if not present): dkwt env -s -a Path C:\Program Files\Other Program Remove ``C:\Program Files\Nice Program'' from system PATH: dkwt env -s -d Path C:\Program Files\Nice Program NOTES ``dkwt env'' does not change environment variables in cmd.exe windows already opened. AUTHOR Dirk Krause HISTORY COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Run dkwt --license-terms to see the license conditions. SEE ALSO