NAME fig2lat - Fig to LaTeX conversion SYNOPSIS fig2lat [-l ] [] [-o =]* DESCRIPTION The program converts *.fig drawings created using XFig or jFig to other graphics formats, mainly for use with the LaTeX typesetting system. OPTIONS -l chooses a driver, one from the following: Drivers to use a Fig file with latex or pdflatex: pdf.tex produces a *.tex/*.pdf file pair. Include the *.tex file in your LaTeX source, the *.tex file includes the *.pdf file. eps.tex produces a *.tex/*.eps file pair. Include the *.tex file in your LaTeX source, the *.tex file includes the *.eps file. pgf produces a *.pgf file for inclusion in a *.tex source. Drivers to produce a standalone image: tex.pdf produces a full *.tex file for use with pdflatex. A file file-i.pdf is produced additionally, this file is included by the *.tex file. tex produces a full *.tex file for use with pdflatex. The image is embedded as a PGF image. eps produces a standalone EPS file. svg produces a standalone SVG file. -m activates make-mode when running on a directory to convert files only if no destination files up to date are found. -o key=value sets key/value options, may be used multiple times. The following keys can be used: General options: lw= Change the line width base. The default for Fig files is 1/80 inch. Width can be one of the following: bp PS points pt Width in pt in Width in inch cm Width in cm mm Width in mm lighten Use 1/160 inch auto 0.4pt * textsize / 10 Text handling options tf= Text font selection for normal (non-special) text. Either ``similar'' or ``fig''. ts= Font size factor for normal (non-special) text. Either the keyword ``none'' or a scale factor (typically in the range 0.95 ... 1.0). bbts[=] Use text size in bounding box calculaion. smash[=] Use \smash instruction in LaTeX output. mbox[=] Use \mbos instruction in LaTeX output. reset@font Use \reset@font instruction in LaTeX output. ste[=] Encoding used when writing special text to output file. Either ``plain'' or ``utf-8''. X-Spline and Bezier-Spline options xsss[=] Number of Bezier-Spline subsegments per X-spline segment. Default: 8, minimum: 2. Arrowhead options: ahas= Number of X-spline segments for a 90 degree angle on arcs. Default: 4. ahss= Number of arrowhead X-spline segments for each original X-spline segment for arrowheads on splines. Default: 4. ahms= Minimum number of X-spline segments for each arrowhead edge. Default: 4 ahip= Arrowhead iteration precision. Default: 0.04. Output options: codi=[] Number of digits used for colors. Default: 3. Compatibilty options (compatibility to fig2dev): cosp[=] Compatible splines. coah[=] Compatible arrowheads. xsah[=] X-spline arrowheads (not together with coah). cols[=] Compatible line styles. cofop[=] Compatible fill for open paths. Source type (mutually exclusive): xfig File produced by XFig jfig File produced by jFig. winfig File produced by WinFIG. Driver specific options (tex, tex.pdf): dcts[=] Font size in pt used in the document class. Driver specific options (eps, eps.tex): showpage[=] Use showpage operator. level= PS level, 2 or 3. Driver specific options (svg) css[=] Use CSS styling. group[=] Group arrowhead objects with the object they are attached to. fragment[=] Write an SVG fragment instead of a complete file. fontbase[=] Specify source for GhostScript fonts converted to TTF, "none", "local", or "web". replacementfonts=[] enables/disables use of replacement font families. miterlimit[=] Enables or disables use of "stroke-miterlimit" style setting. RETURN VALUE The program returns exit status code 0 on success, any other value indicates an error. FILES Fig2lat uses the following files from the current working directory: f2lfonts.tex is used in the preamble of tex and tex.pdf output, the file contents replaces the font selection packages. f2lother.tex is used in the preamble of tex and tex.pdf output, the file contents replaces the packages for "other setup". NOTES There are differences between the output from fig2lat and the output from fig2dev. This is intended, otherwise we would not need an additional program. * Interpolated X-splines: Fig2lat uses the correct formula q=-0.5*s as described in [BS1995]. * Arrowheads: All arrowhead types introduced in xfig 3.2.5 are supported. On splines and arcs we have curved arrowheads. The same line width as for the original line is used for the arrowhead too, the arrowhead linewidth specified in the Fig file is ignored. * Text: When using LaTeX/pdfLaTeX related drivers (tex, tex.pdf, pdf.tex, eps.tex, pgf) all text is handled by LaTeX/pdfLaTeX. The tf setting controls whether to use PS fonts or similar feature LaTeX fonts for normal text. For special text no font selection instructions are written at all, so document default fonts are used. * Fill patterns: Fill patterns are vector graphics in fig2lat. * Splines: X-splines are converted to a sequence of Bezier splines instead of polylines. KNOWN ISSUES * The curved arrowheads on arcs and splines are implemented as sequences of short - sometimes very short - Bezier curves. At least for my arrowtest.fig test file I saw malformed arrowheads in some renderers although the same graphics were shown fine in other renderers. You can avoid the problem by using the coah option (compatible arrowheads). For Batik 1.7 Squiggle you can also attempt the miterlimit=no option. AUTHOR Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Krause HISTORY This program replaces the fig2vect program seen in previous versions of dktools. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Run fig2lat --license-terms to see the license conditions. SEE ALSO [BS1995] Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick: X-Splines: A Spline Model Designed for the End-User Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 1995 [fig2lat]